These methods tidy the variable importance of a random forest model summary, augment the original data with information on the fitted values/classifications and error, and construct a one-row glance of the model's statistics.

# S3 method for randomForest
augment(x, data = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for randomForest
glance(x, ...)

# S3 method for randomForest
tidy(x, ...)



randomForest object


Model data for use by augment.randomForest().


Additional arguments (ignored)


augment.randomForest returns the original data with additional columns:


The number of trees for which the given case was "out of bag". See randomForest::randomForest() for more details.


The fitted value or class.

augment returns additional columns for classification and usupervised trees:

For each case, the voting results, with one column per class.


The casewise variable importance, stored as data frames in a nested list-column, with one row per variable in the model. Only present if the model was created with importance = TRUE

glance.randomForest returns a data.frame with the following columns for regression trees:

The average mean squared error across all trees.


The average pesudo-R-squared across all trees. See randomForest::randomForest() for more information.

For classification trees: one row per class, with the following columns:




All tidying methods return a data.frame without rownames. The structure depends on the method chosen. tidy.randomForest returns one row for each model term, with the following columns:

The term in the randomForest model


A measure of variable importance. See randomForest::randomForest() for more information. Only present if the model was created with importance = TRUE


A measure of variable importance. See randomForest::randomForest() for more information.


Standard deviation of MeanDecreaseAccuracy. See randomForest::randomForest() for more information. Only present if the model was created with importance = TRUE


Classwise variable importance for each term, stored as data frames in a nested list-column, with one row per class. Only present if the model was created with importance = TRUE