tidy returns a tibble of variable importance for the rpart pacakge

# S3 method for gbm
tidy(x, n_trees = x$n.trees, scale = FALSE, sort = TRUE, normalise = TRUE, ...)



A gbm model


integer. (optional) Number of trees to use for computing relative importance. Default is the number of trees in x$n.trees. If not provided, a guess is made using the heuristic: If a test set was used in fitting, the number of trees resulting in lowest test set error will be used; else, if cross-validation was performed, the number of trees resulting in lowest cross-validation error will be used; otherwise, all trees will be used.


(optional) Should importance be scaled? Default is FALSE


(optional) Should results be sorted? Default is TRUE


(optional) Should results be normalised to sum to 100? Default is TRUE


extra functions or arguments


A tibble containing the importance score for each variable


# retrieve a tibble of the variable importance from an gbm model library(gbm)
#> Loaded gbm 2.1.8
library(MASS) fit_gbm <- gbm(calories ~., data = UScereal)
#> Distribution not specified, assuming gaussian ...
#> # A tibble: 10 x 2 #> variable importance #> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 1 23.8 #> 2 2 21.5 #> 3 3 20.2 #> 4 4 13.8 #> 5 5 10.9 #> 6 6 3.84 #> 7 7 3.15 #> 8 8 2.79 #> 9 9 0 #> 10 10 0